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glip glop?!?!

Where's my ship!!

Glip glop: Where's my ship!? is a top-down shooter game that was developed for the pc platform.

This is a small team project created during a course at full sail university. This project was completed in one month with one other developer.

I was working as a producer, technical mechanics designer, and level designer for this project.

my responsibilities have included...

  • Game mechanics

  • level design

  • enemy ai system

  • user interface system

  • technical design


themed mechanic: must keep moving!

the problem: since this project came with the theme of 'must keep moving' there was a rough idea to deplete the players' health as they stood still for more than one second.

my solution: create a system that attaches a timer to the movement input keys. Once the timer reaches zero, the player begins to lose one health every subsequent second until they move or their health reaches zero.


We wanted to assist the player with understanding the mechanic, so we added a text excerpt at the beginning of the game as well as additional player feedback, where the character flashes red if they're standing still too long.


enemy ai system design!

the problem: at this time in my education, we hadn't covered anything in regards to ai systems. the enemies were stationary and didn't interact with the player at all.

my solution: I researched navmesh agents and implemented them into the enemy ai as well as having them search for the player to move in that direction. I also created a stationary enemy type that uses that same search for the player but shoots projectiles in that direction.

The ai system was created to allow for customization between all multiple enemy types on any level. for example movement speed, projectile fire rate, etc.




MY SOLUTION: CREATE LEVELS THAT GRADUALLY INTRODUCE enemy types to the player while also adding length to the gameplay. Doing so, I sketched out level designs with enemy placements in mind. I then strategically placed health pickups and collectibles along the path to lead players to the correct location. Those sketches were converted to levels in Unity and then playtested to ensure the difficulty wasn't too great.

my largest responsibility was creating the player and enemy systems while adhering to the theme of the project.

during the course of the development of this project I learned many things about navmesh and navmesh agents to assist with developing basic enemy ai systems.

I also learned more about coroutines and how to build a basic health and collectible system.

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